Terwujudnya peserta didik yang beriman, bertaqwa, berprestasi dan berbudi pekerti luhur
Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012
Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012
Sintaks Pembelajaran Karakter di Kelas
- Berdasarkan Standar Proses, pada kegiatan pendahuluan, guru: menyiapkan peserta didik secara psikis dan fisik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran;
- mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang mengaitkan pengetahuan sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari;
- menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai;
- menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.
TAHUN 2012
In The Name Of Allah, God, Lord. The Beneficient The Merciful
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Honorable Juries
Honorable Commities
All participants of English speech contest
Dear Audience, Ladies and Gentlemen
Praise be to Allah, God and Lord all over the world. The creator of human beings, who has sent al-Qur'an as his codes and his real guide.
Peace and prayer is deliverd to the best prophet Muhammad PBUH, the last messenger of Allah who has brought the human beings from the darkness to the lightness.
It is a honor for me standing in front of you this time, pertaining to speech contest. So in this opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech under the title :
Ladies and Gentlemen ……………………..
Student is every person who receives the influence from individual or the society ( The groups ) to do some thing activity of education.
Now, students become main problems in the activity of education and teaching movement. So that, they have a high position in goverment to be moral human who capable to develop the Nation and state.
Dear Audience …………………………..
There are many the important role of students in National development. Among them are :
- The first, student as generation of heroes. It is to continue the struggle of heroes. In this, the students must not to fight the colonial in the battle. But, They have to contain the development with study hard to fight the ignorance.
- The second role is to develop the human resources. The students have to able to develop the potencies that the students have and then they optimalize it. Besides, the students must also support the program.
- The third and the most important role is student as generation to be scientific, to believe and to be pious. So, the student just not to study the knowledge, but they must also study religius education. Specially to study islamic education.
Ladies and gentlemen ……………………..
There for, the National development is in their hands and their shoulders.
An islamic Author, syekh Mustofa Al-Ghulayini said : انّ في يد الشبّان امر الامة وفي اقدامهم حياتها
" In hands of young generation, the Nation is lives on"
Dear Audience…..
I think that's all from me if you find some mistakes in my speech, I beg you to apologize and thank you for your attention.
And the last I say ………………
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
- koperasi akan mampu berperan secara baik kepada masyarakat ketika koperasi secara benar berjalan sesuai jati dirinya sebagai suatu organisasi otonom, lembaga yang diawasi anggotanya dan bila mereka tetap berpegang pada nilai dan prinsip koperasi;
- Potensi koperasi dapat diwujudkan semaksimal mungkin hanya bila kekhususan koperasi dihormati dalam peraturan perundangan;
- Koperasi dapat mencapai tujuannya bila mereka diakui keberadaannya dan aktifitasnya;
- Koperasi dapat hidup seperti layaknya perusahaan lainnya bila terjadi "fair playing field";
- Pemerintah harus memberikan aturan main yang jelas, tetapi koperasi dapat dan harus mengatur dirinya sendiri di dalam lingkungan mereka (self-regulation);
- Koperasi adalah milik anggota dimana saham adalah modal dasar, sehingga mereka harus mengembangkan sumberdayanya dengan tidak mengancam identitas dan jatidirinya, dan;
- Bantuan pengembangan dapat berarti penting bagi pertumbuhan koperasi, namun akan lebih efektif bila dipandang sebagai kemitraan dengan menjunjung tinggi hakekat koperasi dan diselenggarakan dalam kerangka jaringan.